internet provider
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Check Internet Plan Availability

Find a Postal Code

Find a postal code for an address in Canada. Look up postal codes online. Then use that Postal Code to see if high speed internet is available where you live, or you can Ask Us to check your address for internet availability.

If you are unable to get internet from your cable company or phone company, then you would also not be able to get internet from us, as we do not own any cable TV lines, or cable internet lines or DSL capable phone lines, (rather by prior arrangment we pay to use those lines which belong to other companies in order to deliver our internet plans over those lines) and, sorry but we do not offer wireless internet. (We also do not provide cable TV itself, or any TV channels.) If you have a Pre-sales question please use the Sales contact form. If you are an exiting customer looking for support, pelase see our Support page.

In addition to the above ability to check for internet plan avaialbility by Postal Code, our website has an updated list of place names, by province, which will give you an even better idea of which internet plans that we offer might be available at your address. (The plans vary by place name, and by province. Plans are not necessarily available at every address in each place, but you can ask us to check your address.)